
How Does Employment Status Affect Your Eligibility for Bankruptcy in GA?

March 15, 2025

If you’re considering bankruptcy, you might be wondering, How does employment status affect your eligibility for bankruptcy? Your employment status impacts whether you qualify for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Lower income may allow…

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How Do You Determine If You Should File Bankruptcy in Georgia?

March 1, 2025

Deciding whether to file for bankruptcy is a significant financial decision, and understanding the signs can help you make the right choice. You might be asking: How do you determine if you should file bankruptcy…

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How Much Does a Bankruptcy Lawyer Cost in Athens, GA

February 10, 2025

If you’re considering bankruptcy, you may be asking: How much does a bankruptcy lawyer cost in Athens, GA? In Athens, GA, the cost of hiring a bankruptcy lawyer for Chapter 7 typically ranges between $1,000…

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How Much Does a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Lawyer Cost in Athens, GA

February 10, 2025

If you’re considering filing for bankruptcy, you might be wondering: How much does a Chapter 7 bankruptcy lawyer cost? A Chapter 7 bankruptcy lawyer typically charges between $1,000 and $2,500 in attorney fees, with the…

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Common Mistakes to Avoid when Applying for Long-Term Disability

Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, is a benefits program administered by the Social Security Administration. The purpose is to provide financial support to people who have a medical or psychological disability that prevents them…

Workers' Comp Settlement

Are You Getting the Fair Amount from Your Workers’ Comp Settlement?

Many Georgia employees believe that if they are injured at work, they are required to accept the settlement offered by their employer’s workers’ compensation insurance company. However, there are different types of worker’s comp settlements…


Filing Issues to Consider when Pre-Bankruptcy Planning

Filing for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a big step. However, if handled correctly, it can mean a fresh financial start for you. With some careful planning before you file, you may be…


Tips to Filing an Emergency Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Claim

We know that the decision to file for bankruptcy is never an easy one. Most people give it a lot of consideration before taking the step. However, in some cases you don’t have that luxury….

leading bankruptcy lawyers in Athens, Monroe and Winder, Georgia

What You Need to Know Before You File a Workers' Compensation Claim

If you are injured on the job, you may be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits in Georgia. However, there are things your Athens workers’ comp attorneys believe you should know before jumping headfirst into filing…

workers' comp lawyers in Hartwell, Georgia

Chapter 11 Is a Great Option for Small Businesses That Are Looking To Reorganize Business Assets

Small businesses often struggle with finances, sometimes to the point that they must seek relief through bankruptcy. While there are three choices (Chapter 7, Chapter 13 and Chapter 11) a business owner may be able…


What Happens to My Mortgage After Bankruptcy?

Owning a home is a great achievement. Unfortunately, all of the hard work you have put into paying your mortgage may be at risk if you decide to file for bankruptcy in Georgia. What will…

Social security athens ga

Consider These Tips If You Are Attempting To Collect Back Pay on Social Security Benefits

Social Security disability claims can take months or even years to process. Because of this lengthy processing time, claimants who are awarded Social Security or SSI benefits for disability will also typically receive “back pay”…

Traumatic brain injury can occur on an on the job accident. Call Morgan & Morgan for information about filing your injury under workers compensation today .

Social and Psychological Factors of a Traumatic Brain Injury

Nothing is worse than being hurt on the job, especially if you suffer from an injury to the brain. Recovering from a traumatic brain injury (TBI) extends well beyond the initial damage of such an ordeal. Surprising…


Why You Should Refrain from Withdrawing from Your 401K During a Hardship

We all face financial hardship at some point in our lives. One very common remedy sought out by those dealing with unexpected circumstances like a personal injury, work-related injury or medical bills is to borrow…