How Much Do You Have to Be in Debt to File Chapter 7 in Georgia?
If your finances have gone awry, and you are looking for solutions, you may have considered filing for relief through bankruptcy. Chapter 7 bankruptcy is one form of bankruptcy relief that is available to people…
How Long Does It Take to Rebuild Credit After Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Georgia?
Many people think that bankruptcy will immediately fix their financial problems. However, that isn’t how bankruptcy works. There is more to regaining financial security after bankruptcy than simply stepping out of the courthouse after your…
How Much Cash Can You Keep When Filing Chapter 7 in Athens?
Filing for bankruptcy provides a sense of relief as it allows you to start over financially, which is the primary benefit of doing so. During filing chapter 7 in Athens, you may be able to…
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy and Tax Refunds in Georgia
Bankruptcy isn’t something that anyone ever wants to have to do. It’s a means to an end to getting relief from all of your debt and getting back to a financially healthy place. Most people…
What Happens to Investment Real Estate After Bankruptcy in Georgia?
Investing in real estate is a time-honored way to build wealth. Real estate performs better over time than almost any other asset class, whether we’re talking about stocks or something newer and flashier like cryptocurrency….
The Most Important Things You Need If Considering Bankruptcy in Georgia
Bankruptcy in Georgia is the only form of debt relief that provides all debtors with an opportunity to settle their debts quickly and relatively easily. In this article, we will address common questions and what…
What Happens When You File Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Athens, Georgia?
The fear of the unknown is one of the main reasons people suffer from bankruptcy phobia, which is an unreasonable fear of bankruptcy. It is understandable that people might be afraid of what happens when…
When Should You File for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Georgia?
The coronavirus pandemic has many people asking the question, When should you file for Chapter 7 in Athens, Georgia? Assistance programs, like stimulus checks and eviction moratoriums, have kept many families financially afloat during this…
How Long Does Chapter 7 Stay on Your Credit Report in Athens, GA?
Chapter 7 filings usually stay on your Georgia credit report for ten years. That’s a long time, but it certainly is not forever. Moreover, the discharged debts, like credit card accounts, fall off much sooner…
When Should I File Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Athens, GA?
Frequently, bankruptcy is the only protection that debtors have from aggressive creditors. The Supreme Court has recently diluted some of the key consumer protections in the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act. So, if you are…