How Do Employers Perceive Those Who File Workers' Compensation Claims?
Bankruptcy | September 5, 2014 | morganlawyers
In our current economy, many workers are nervous about their ability to keep or find a job. These nerves may even keep them from filing for a legitimate workers’ compensation claim. They assume that future employers will see litigation for workers’ compensation on their background checks, and those potential employers will turn sour to the prospect of hiring them because of it.
While you cannot escape having the litigation for your workers’ compensation claim on your background check, there are precautions you can take to ensure that your future employment will be less affected by it. One of the most important things you can do is have your workers’ compensation attorney guide you through the process.
It’s Just Business
Realistically, employers expect to face workers’ compensation claims as a part of the price of doing business. Workers’ compensation insurance is a standard expense that most businesses happily pay. As long as your employer is properly insured, you are not taking money from your employer when you file a claim — you are taking money from their insurance company. Your employer should understand that accidents happen, and they should not hold it against you that you are seeking appropriate compensation for work-related injuries.
The exception to this rule is if you file a series of accident compensation claims that may indicate a high level of clumsiness on your part. If you are a particularly klutzy worker who tends to get injured frequently, your employer may be a bit nonplussed about you filing another claim.
When You May Have Problems
When you make an official statement about your workers’ compensation case, it goes on the public record as a part of the trial. If you choose to turn your official statement into any sort of commentary about your employer or any perceived negligence that may have led to your injury, future employers will be able to read it — and some will do so. If they find evidence of you bad-mouthing your employer, they may choose to avoid you, believing that you are a troublemaker or a poor team player.
Your Morgan & Morgan lawyer can help to guide you through your testimony so that future employers will see nothing but the utmost professionalism should they look into your litigation. Do not avoid filing a legitimate claim out of fear of what future employers might think. Trust your attorney to get you through the process without harming your professional reputation.
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