
Social security attorneys in Monroe and Winder, Georgia

Top 5 Reasons Social Security Disability Applications Are Initially Rejected

| December 13, 2014 | morganlawyers

More than 50 percent of the applications submitted for Social Security benefits are denied. When your benefits are initially denied, the stated reasons can vary drastically. One thing that is critical to note when dealing with Social Security benefits is that a denial does not mean you will not be able to receive any benefit. An initial denial is common and can be overcome in the appeal process with the aide of an experienced Social Security lawyer. Social security disability lawyers are familiar with the necessary steps to acquire benefits. 

Top 5 Reasons for Denial

Your benefits can be denied for many reasons, but the reasons listed below are among the most common. Being proactive is a great way increase your chances of approval and avoid these common denials.

  1. Lack of medical history. Without a sound compilation of medical evidence, a claim for benefits is more likely to be denied. To receive benefits, it has to be shown that you are unable to work due to a medical condition. It is hard to prove this if you have no medical records indicating that you are disabled.
  2. Income is too high. If you make more than $1,000 per month, your income will prevent you from receiving benefits. In order to qualify, your benefits must be within the amount allotted in the substantial gainful activity allowance. The Social Security Administration sets this as the amount that those who are truly unable to engage in substantial gainful work are able to earn
  3. Previous denial. Being denied in the past without going through the appeal process is detrimental to a claim. If you are ever denied, do not file a new claim. You need to appeal the decision.
  4. Ignoring the doctor’s orders. If you do happen to go to the doctor for any kind of treatment and the doctor recommends you engage in a certain form of treatment, follow the doctor’s orders. Failure to do so prevents the Social Security Administration and their examiners from determining if you are truly unable to work.
  5. Being uncooperative. Not following the instructions of the Social Security Administration is the quickest way to get a claim denied. Provide the documentation they request and attend all medical exams that are scheduled. It would be very disappointing to have your claim denied simply because you failed to follow instructions.

If you or a loved one have previously been denied Social Security benefits or you are filing a claim for the first time, you are going to need the assistance of a experienced Social Security lawyer. Here at Morgan & Morgan law firm, we specialize in assisting individuals with their benefits claims and help guide them through the entire process, including appeals. Contact Morgan & Morgan today for a free consultation.

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