Why It's a Bad Idea to Tackle Your Credit Card Debt By Only Making Minimum Payments
If you have recently lost a job, and you have bills piling up, there are solutions. Whether you have recently started missing payments, or you are months behind, trying to pay off credit card debt…
What Is The Difference Between Credit Counseling and Debtor Education?
If you’re facing a difficult financial situation, there’s a good chance that bankruptcy has at least crossed your mind at some point. Regardless of whether you’re considering filing for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy…
Why is Georgia a Bankruptcy Leader?
As the 2010s began, Georgia was infamous as the state hardest hit by bankruptcies, even in the midst of the recession. Today, while conditions have improved, Georgia is still one of the top states filing…
Top Reasons People Go Bankrupt
It’s easy to assume that someone who files for bankruptcy protection has been financially irresponsible, but according to a recent post in the Huffington Post, some of the most common reasons people file for bankruptcy…
Terrified of Collectors? Easy Ways to End the Conversation
Nobody likes receiving phone calls from bill collectors, but if you owe money to a creditor and it’s past-due, there’s a good chance you’ll soon be harassed by bill collectors — if you haven’t been…
Mediterranean Mayhem: Understanding The Greek Debt Crisis
International finance may be Greek to you, but national bankruptcies are surprisingly similar to personal ones. To understand the current financial crisis in Greece, it helps to think of the Greek nation as an individual…
Limelight Liquidation: 5 Shocking Celebrity Bankruptcies
From commercials to movie cameos to the many perks of fame, celebrities have no shortage of opportunities to make and keep money, yet many manage to go broke anyway. Dozens of stars have fallen from…
Read This: Bankruptcy Glossary
Even the most responsible borrowers can’t always repay their debts, so if you plan to start a business or obtain a mortgage, make sure to have an exit strategy. Bankruptcy can provide a way out…
Debts That Are Not Included When Filing Bankruptcy
While bankruptcy is an excellent way to give yourself a fresh financial start, it cannot discharge all of your existing debts. Some debts simply must be paid, and these will not be discharged during your…
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