Terrified of Collectors? Easy Ways to End the Conversation
Bankruptcies, Financial Lawyers | October 24, 2015 | morganlawyers
Nobody likes receiving phone calls from bill collectors, but if you owe money to a creditor and it’s past-due, there’s a good chance you’ll soon be harassed by bill collectors — if you haven’t been already. Those persistent phone calls can have your anxiety shooting through the roof, especially If you’re feeling like there’s no way out of your debt. Fortunately, the experts at Morgan & Morgan have solutions for you; filing bankruptcy, for example, can help to eliminate some of your debt burden, work out a comfortable repayment plan and stop those collection calls for good.
In the meantime, there are some steps you can take to get those bill collectors to stop harassing you.
Tell Them You Know Your Rights
Understand that you have rights under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA); this act prohibits collectors from calling you before 8 a.m. and after 9 p.m. based on your local time. It also prevents them from contacting you if they aren’t able to prove that the debt is yours. If a collector has been persistently calling you, mention to them that you’re aware of your rights under the FDCPA, this will make them less likely to try and bend the rules and more likely to treat you with the respect you deserve.
Request Written Communication
If you’re tired of receiving phone calls from creditors, you have the right to request that all future correspondence be done via written communication (snail mail). Unfortunately, debt collectors are under no legal obligation to agree to this request, but it can’t hurt to ask. Having your communications with collectors recorded via traditional mail allows you to keep more detailed records, which you may be able to use against them if they violate any part of the FDCPA.
Send a “Cease and Desist” Letter
Perhaps the best way to get a collector to stop contacting you is to formally submit a “cease and desist” letter via snail mail. If you don’t have the address to the collection agency and they’re hesitant to give it to you (this isn’t uncommon), consider asking them for an address to send payments to. You can send your cease and desist letter to this address. just be sure to have it sent through certified mail and request a return receipt. This way, you’ll know for sure that they received the mail.
Receiving calls from debt collectors can be stressful, but the good news is that there are ways to get those calls to stop. Be sure to give these tips a try, and don’t forget to speak with an expert about the possibility of filing for bankruptcy to alleviate your financial situation.
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