What Happens to My Secured Debt if I File Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?
Filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy can provide a fresh financial start, but managing secured debts can be complex. You might be asking: What happens to my secured debt if I file Chapter 7 bankruptcy? In…
What’s the Difference Between Bankruptcy Discharged vs Dismissed in GA?
The key difference between a Bankruptcy Discharged vs Dismissed in Georgia lies in the outcome. A discharge releases the debtor from personal liability for certain debts, meaning they are no longer required to pay those…
Do You Have to Go to Court for Bankruptcies in Georgia?
If you’re considering bankruptcy, you might be wondering, Do you have to go to court for bankruptcies in Georgia? The legal process can seem daunting, but understanding what to expect can help ease concerns. Yes,…
The Impact of Bankruptcy on Your Retirement in Athens, GA
How is bankruptcy going to impact your future? Are you worried about your retirement after bankruptcy? Or perhaps you’re already in retirement and find yourself considering bankruptcy to alleviate financial stress. You’ll be happy to…
The Different Types of Bankruptcy in Athens, GA: Which One is Right for You?
If you are considering bankruptcy, choosing between different types of Bankruptcy including Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 are probably on your mind. Both allow you to reduce debt, but they do so in different ways….
What Happens to Your Bank Account When You File For Bankruptcy in Georgia?
It’s common to worry about what will happen to your bank account if you’re planning to file for bankruptcy in Georgia. The good news is that bank accounts often remain unaffected by Chapter 7 bankruptcy…
How to File Bankruptcy in Georgia
Unlike most other civil actions, consumer bankruptcy almost always starts with a voluntary petition. The V-word is significant. Debtors chose if and when to file. That control continues throughout the process. In most cases, debtors…
Can I Keep My Car When Filing for Bankruptcy?
If you are considering filing for bankruptcy, there are a number of factors to consider if you own a car and you want to keep it. How much you car is worth, and if you…
Converting from Chapter 13 to Chapter 7 in Georgia
Many Georgia residents file bankruptcy under Chapter 13 because it allows them to restructure their debts, pay their obligations, and keep their property. The repayment plan structured in Chapter 13 bankruptcy lasts for 3-5 years….