
How Does Employment Status Affect Your Eligibility for Bankruptcy in GA?

March 15, 2025

If you’re considering bankruptcy, you might be wondering, How does employment status affect your eligibility for bankruptcy? Your employment status impacts whether you qualify for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Lower income may allow…

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How Do You Determine If You Should File Bankruptcy in Georgia?

March 1, 2025

Deciding whether to file for bankruptcy is a significant financial decision, and understanding the signs can help you make the right choice. You might be asking: How do you determine if you should file bankruptcy…

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How Much Does a Bankruptcy Lawyer Cost in Athens, GA

February 10, 2025

If you’re considering bankruptcy, you may be asking: How much does a bankruptcy lawyer cost in Athens, GA? In Athens, GA, the cost of hiring a bankruptcy lawyer for Chapter 7 typically ranges between $1,000…

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How Much Does a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Lawyer Cost in Athens, GA

February 10, 2025

If you’re considering filing for bankruptcy, you might be wondering: How much does a Chapter 7 bankruptcy lawyer cost? A Chapter 7 bankruptcy lawyer typically charges between $1,000 and $2,500 in attorney fees, with the…

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How does Social Security Decide that You Get Disability?

The process of applying for Social Security Disability Insurance is not a straightforward one. Each person’s application for benefits is reviewed according to the subjective beliefs and impressions of the medical consultants and examiners who…


Can I Get my Possessions Back after I file for Chapter 13 Bankruptcy?

The decision to file for bankruptcy is never easy. People who are months behind in car payments, mortgage payments, owe back taxes, or other, similar financial hardships may find that filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy…


Are All Student Loans Treated the Same in Bankruptcy?

Graduating from college can be an overwhelming time in anyone’s life. You’ve reached a major milestone — earning your degree. But even as you celebrate your achievement, worry lurks. Will you be able to support…


What President Obama is Doing about Student Loans

On March 10, 2015, President Obama signed a Student Bill of Rights, and in a signing ceremony at Georgia Tech University he explained the ways in which this bill will ease the pressures of student…


Improve Your Credit Score with These Tips

Choosing to file bankruptcy is a big step, and you may find that it’s a step you don’t have to take. The legal team at Morgan & Morgan is here to stand by you and…


Bankruptcy and Income Taxes – Everything You Need to Know

It’s income tax season again, and you may be wondering what happens when it’s time to file income tax in the midst of a bankruptcy proceeding. Many of our clients also have questions about whether…


Should I Dip Into My Social Security Fund Prematurely?

The earlier you start taking Social Security benefits, the less money you will receive in your annual benefit. This truth is reiterated time and again as individuals get closer to retirement, and many senior citizens…


Expecting a Workers' Compensation Audit? Get Prepared with a Morgan & Morgan Lawyer

Workers’ compensation audits are a routine part of having workers’ compensation insurance. They verify your business’s operations and update your policy information to include changes in operations, new or closed business locations and any new…


Tips for Plugging the Gaps in Your Disability Insurance

Obtaining disability insurance is a great idea, but many standard disability insurance policies are written in such a way that you may have coverage gaps that leave you with little or no coverage when you…


Debts That Are Not Included When Filing Bankruptcy

While bankruptcy is an excellent way to give yourself a fresh financial start, it cannot discharge all of your existing debts. Some debts simply must be paid, and these will not be discharged during your…